Frequently asked (and unasked) questions about acupuncture and cupping treatments in Oak Bay, Victoria
Does acupuncture hurt?
Have you ever had anything waxed? :) Acupuncture is far less painful than waxing. It is frequently painless and usually leads to feeling really relaxed.
10 acupuncture needles can fit into just one hypodermic needle. A lot of points don't hurt at all. The most common thing you feel if the needle is close to a hair follicle there is a quick sharp pain (like plucking an eyebrow hair) which passes quickly. There can be a warm sensation near the acupuncture point, a tight muscle ache or a heavy feeling. Acupuncture treatments usually make people feel deeply relaxed by the end because they shut off the fight-or-flight system. |
Why on earth would anyone voluntarily get more needles than needed?!
Because other methods aren't giving you the results you want or have unwanted side effects. Or you are seeking a whole-body treatment instead of spot treatment. Or you like interesting sensation/are a bit of a daredevil.
From my background in massage and biology, I believe people invented acupuncture because they found a spot that felt good to rub or squeeze and you can only rub or squeeze for so long; if a tool can do the same job (or a better job) why not try it? Old Chinese medical text clearly show the paths of nerves you can stimulate by pressing specific spots. We get the best benefits when we combine hands on examination of the body with anatomy texts both, ancient and modern. I love getting massage and providing it but I can only work one one or two areas at one time. With acupuncture I can use cups on tight back muscles, directly stimulate a frozen shoulder capsule with a needle, trigger a muscle twitch response in rock-hard calves while warming the core of the body with applied heat and herbal tincture all at the same time! |
What is acupuncture?
Whisker-fine needles are used to stimulate sensitive areas in the body. These acupuncture points are commonly found along planes of connective tissue (very close analog to Chinese meridians) in the body where structures meet and separate. Stimulating these points can have an effect on the local area and far along the branching network of fascial connective tissue, blood vessels and nerves that coordinate the body.
While North Americans generally seek acupuncture only for chronic health concerns, it also works very well for acute issues. For example, the very fine needles allow acupuncturists to directly stimulate the shoulder capsule in frozen shoulder, or tiny muscles under large thick muscles near the spine. The needles can also be used near inflamed areas that would usually be too sore to manipulate. Mild electrical stimulation of the acupuncture points (similar to TENS machines at a physiotherapy office) are sometimes used to reduce muscle tension and more strongly activate points without pain. Acupuncture can provide long-lasting, drug-free relief for pain, stress and a lot of internal disorders. |
What is TCM?
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a combination of techniques including acupuncture for preventative and reparative healthcare.
TCM uses naturalistic terms to group symptoms together like:
TCM recognizes that a health condition is rarely just one symptom. A migraine occurs in the head but can also affect blood circulation in the whole body (pale face, cold hands), digestion (nausea and vomiting), neurological processing of light (dilated pupils), sound and smells. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the health history is examined for patterns to relieve not only the main complaint but also to reduce the chance of it returning With single-use needles, electrical stimulation, cupping, gua sha (stroking the skin with an instrument), heat and/or massage your acupuncturist helps tight areas loosen up and weak systems function better. The initial appointment includes an interview of your lifestyle patterns and health. Treatments are tailored to your body instead of treating every person with an ailment as the same. In addition to your treatment, I may recommend modifications to your food choices, sleep habits, and exercise. From my many years as a healthcare provider I have a wide network of practitioners I can refer you to if another modality of treatment might provide additional benefits. |
What is cupping?
Plastic, glass or silicone cups are used to draw soft tissue away from the body. This improves local circulation and can relax tissues. Cups can stay in one place or be slid along muscles or meridians. I consider it to be like a reverse massage, drawing the tissue up instead of pressing it down into the bones.
Why use acupuncture for migraines and headaches?
Is acupuncture safe?
Because acupuncture can work fast and may prevent recurrences.
In a review of 31 high-quality studies by Duke University, acupuncture was found to work as well as or better than drugs and to have fewer side effects. Find Dr. Sun & Gan's paper here. There are small risks associated with acupuncture. The risks of serious side effects are higher from taking Tylenol (also rare) than going to a properly trained acupuncturist.
The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) recognizes acupuncture as an effective treatment for a large range of issues including mental-emotional disorders, allergies, headaches, digestive issues, hormone imbalances and repetitive strain disorders. |
Why chose Sabrina Lundquist for acupuncture?